Different Kinds of Bed Foam Explained: Find You...

Looking for a new mattress but not sure which type to choose? There are several kinds of bed foam to pick from, each offering their own unique sleep benefits. From cool mattresses to orthopaedic mattresses and everything in between, this overview will help you narrow your search and get well...

Why are Tempur Mattresses So Expensive?

Are you thinking of investing in a memory foam mattress but put off by hefty pricetags? With some of the other mattress brand prices out there - we don’t blame you.With TEMPUR prices soaring past the £3500 mark, we ask what makes Tempur mattresses so expensive. And are they really...

What Is The Best Mattress For An Adjustable Bed?

Adjustable beds are a saving grace for people all over the world. The flexibility and support provides relief for a multitude of health conditions including back pain and asthma, and gives greater independence to people with limited mobility.If you’re considering purchasing one for yourself and are looking for the best...

What Is Memory Foam? And Why Is It Good For Mat...

We’ve all heard of the stuff, but what is memory foam, where did it come from, and why is it so good for our health? To fully understand the benefits of a memory foam mattress, let’s take a closer look at this clever material. The History Of Memory Foam Memory...